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Wednesday, 27 April 2011

A Short Nocturnal Story

I heard something, some noise, something within me craves loudly to dismiss it to be a usual nocturnal charm.
Nights are usually silent and comforting.  Another rattle and hum promises a sure goose-bump. No, No, it can't be," blame it on clumsy rodent that's what logic whispers". My rational self takes over, negating on so called paranormal experiences.
what if we hear it all - every inch of a sound that darkness hides within its infinite cloak,  let's give it a try, somethings remain best unheard, concentrate...what is that?  a tick of clock maybe... swirling of fan, cracking of wood, a footstep, no can't be...
Seems like someone's presence in my house, shadows on the walls can be deceiving they can create masterpieces..I mean nocturnal paintings, shadow of the objects shimmer around creating lasting impression.. what was that? a limb, no can't was just a lamp.
Another sound... convincing enough for my ears  my eyes attempt to scan its origin... something is swirling around me, I can sense its presence, a strange odor... No, screamed my instincts, what is it? a witch..maybe ghost of a young lad who died in this house before I moved in.
Wait, i can hear the footsteps circling around me, narrowing in slowly and slowly... what does "it" want? another sound... someone crying... it sounds painful...wait a minute someone is whispering to me..what is that? come again? what? there are few more here...can't be.. NO... i can feel people closing in, lot of them... what is that a CLOAK.....

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